Ctrl is a multi-chain wallet extension available on Chrome, Brave, Opera, Cốc Cốc and Edge, built for DeFi users and NFT lovers. Ctrl is now also available on iOS & Android.
Blockchains supported : https://intercom.help/ctrlwallet/en/articles/8016158-blockchains-ctrl
. Download XDEFI Wallet : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/xdefi-wallet/hmeobnfnfcmdkdcmlblgagmfpfboieaf?hl=en&authuser=0
. Website : https://www.ctrl.xyz/ (XDEFI Wallet Academy + 24/7 Support)
. Discord : https://discord.gg/ctrlwallet (Community + 24/7 Support)
. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMwDl9ne3fjhyM11ig_ynkg (video tutorials)
. Gitbook : https://docs.xdefi.io/docs
. Twitter : https://twitter.com/Ctrl_Wallet